Prep Transition

Enrolments for 2025 are now open for Roxburgh Rise Primary School.

If your child is turning 5 before 30 April 2025 they are eligible to enrol for Foundation in 2025.

The primary schools in Roxburgh Park are zoned, if you would like to check if you are zoned to our school please go to Find My School.

Should you wish to enrol your child at Roxburgh Rise Primary School or you would like a school tour please contact the school by calling 9305 4334.

2025 Foundation Transition Program

During Term 4, a Transition Program is held for children who are enrolled at Roxburgh Rise Primary School for 2025.

The aim of this program is to provide children with a smooth transition into Foundation; preparing them for the beginning of their school life. Throughout this program the children will engage in a variety of activities on a weekly basis, including play, craft, listening to stories and singing. They will get to familiarise themselves with the school environment, meet staff members and begin to develop friendships.