Roxburgh Rise Primary School staff have a strong belief that all children have the ability to learn. We have a strong focus on developing students who are literate, numerate, resilient, respectful, collaborative and curious, for a digitally advanced world.
Our school curriculum is governed by the Victorian Curriculum. We offer diverse and dynamic programs that target the individual needs of children, ensuring that each child attains their full potential. The current specialist programs that we offer are Physical Education, Art, Music, LOTE (Italian) and Digital Technologies.
Roxburgh Rise Primary School has set up a structure that provides the following programs to ensure optimum learning for all students, irrespective of their socio-economic, cultural, religious or family background or intellectual ability.
- Specialist programs for Visual Arts, Music, Physical Education/Sport, Italian and Digital Technologies.
- Co-curricular programs – Garden to Table Program/Sustainability, swimming, camps from Grade 3-6, biennial concert, biennial Arts Show.
- Extra curricular – KidsMatter Lunchtime Club.
- Citizenship – Junior School Council, Young Leaders Program (year 6), Peer Mediation (years 5 and 6), buddies for Preps, student fund raising.
- Community Hub initiative focusing on getting our community connected and developing a partnership with home and school.