Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education at Roxburgh Rise Primary School is our approach to ensure all of our students are provided with opportunities that give them the best start in life.

Disability Inclusion

We are transitioning from the Progra­­m for Students with Disabilities (PSD) to Disability Inclusion in 2025. Disability Inclusion­­ is a Victorian Government initiative designed so that schools can provide extra support for students who have been identified as needing adjustments or support to access the curriculum. It is a strengths-based approach with a focus on student voice/agency and parent collaboration and includes students with or without a forma diagnosis.

Some of the ways we support students with additional needs at Roxburgh Rise Primary School include:

  • making reasonable adjustments to support a child’s participation on the same basis as their peers
  • creating and implementing Individual Education Plans
  • regular Student Support Meetings with parents / carers
  • additional support from Education Support Staff for eligible students

Lunch Time Clubs

We have lunch time clubs which offer a variety of things to do so our students feel engaged and connected at school. It also provides them with the opportunity to develop  social skills and discover new interests.

We also have multiple areas where students can engage in both active play and passive play.

Koorie Perspectives

We draw on the knowledge and insight of our regional Koorie Education Support Office (KESO). We proudly fly three flags at the front of our school (Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander). Our staff and families collaborate to support the learning of our Koorie students through Individual Education Plans and regular Student Support Group meetings. Our Koorie students are invited to collaborate on special school projects such as designing our interschool sport AFL jumpers and Acknowledgement to Country video.