Excursions and Incursions

Excursions and incursions provide the students attending with a rewarding and enjoyable educational experience. Staff plan excursions and incursions for students to maximise their learning in academic and social situations, appropriate and relevant to the current topics studied and their stage of learning.

To reduce the cost involved, groups or individuals are often invited to visit our school (incursions) to provide an educational activity/experience for the children which otherwise might not be readily available.

Students without signed authorities may be unable to attend incursions, excursions, camps or tours.

Our Excursion and Incursion programs are ‘pay as you go’ events. Families are given sufficient notice to plan and pay for the event prior to the due date via our Compass app.

Assessment and Reporting

Assessment and Reporting are integral parts of the teaching and learning program at Roxburgh Rise Primary School. Assessment & Reporting combine to support students to achieve high standards and to provide the basis for guiding further learning, as well as informing parents about their child’s achievement.

At Roxburgh Rise Primary School, a variety of assessment tools are used both to improve student learning outcomes, and to monitor student progress by providing important evidence of improved learning outcomes i.e. assessment ‘for’ and assessment ‘of’ learning.

Assessment for learning is designed to enhance teaching and improve learning. At Roxburgh Rise Primary School, we believe that assessment is an essential and integrated part of teaching and learning and that a range of assessment approaches are necessary to identify what a student knows and can do. By accurately pinpointing “where to next” students are supported with personalised learning goals to extend their learning.

Assessment refers to all the ways we gather information about progress in a student’s learning. Assessment tasks should reflect the objectives and criteria and be meaningful and relevant. They may include tests, observations, peer discussions, work samples, presentations/performances and projects. Assessment is ongoing and helps teachers to shape high quality teaching practices and appropriate learning experiences which will develop students’ knowledge, skills and understandings and promote effective learning. Through professional learning teams, the results of assessment also contribute to the continuing development of a whole school approach in support of improved student learning outcomes.

Assessment outcomes allow teachers to report effectively to parents on their child’s progress in an ongoing manner. Reporting is the process used to communicate knowledge gained from assessing student learning.  The purpose of reporting is to provide relevant information about a student’s progress to students, parents, support staff and other teachers.

At Roxburgh Rise Primary School we report to parents and students both formally and informally. Early in Term 1, our teachers invite parents and carers to school for a Meet the Families information meeting with each family to enable all stakeholders of our students to get to know each other and discuss anything important that may contribute to their success over the coming year.

At the end of Term 2 – Semester 1, parents and carers are provided with a Mid-Year summative report on student achievements over the Semester. These detail student’s progress in the areas of their learning including a level of achievement, attitudes towards learning, improvements and where to next. At this time is another formal opportunity for families to come in and meet with the teacher.

At the end of Term 4 – Semester 2, again parents and carers are provided with a written End of year summative report on student achievements over the Semester. These detail student’s progress in their areas of their learning and again include a level of achievement which shows their progression from their last report in the level of achievement and attitudes towards learning.

At any time, parents and carers may request a confidential discussion with the classroom teacher to discuss any wellbeing or academic concerns if they are concerned about their child’s social and/or emotional wellbeing, curriculum or progress within their learning. As well, our teachers will also contact parents if they feel they have concerns regarding a student’s social and/or emotional wellbeing, curriculum or progress within their learning.

National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)

Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 participate in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), which tests literacy (reading, writing and language connections) and numeracy skills. The results of these tests, in conjunction with a range of data from other assessment strategies and data collection, give you information on how your child is progressing and where s/he could benefit from greater challenges or extra help.

National assessment and reporting are the responsibility of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). In Victoria, NAPLAN is administered by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA).

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) sets the guidelines for what students learn from Prep to Year 12 in all Victorian schools. The VCAA is responsible for the administration in Victorian schools of the Victorian Curriculum, the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL), Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificates and the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN).